понедельник, 12 марта 2012 г.


You haven't heard much of late about Eddie Vrdolyak, thecelebrated Republican convert. But that doesn't mean he's been idle.Vrdolyak has been rounding up candidates for Republican wardcommitteemen to reform the local party in his own image. Even DonTotten, longtime head of the GOP Cook County organization, realizeshis own job may be in jeopardy as a result of Vrdolyak's blitz toelect committeemen loyal to him. . . . Mayor Sawyer must have beenmindful of Harold Washington's fate by undergoing a physicalexamination yesterday before embarking on a whirlwind tour of fourchildren's hospitals.

THE CITY COUNCIL vote tomorrow on the budget will be a key tofuture relations between Mayor Sawyer and his aldermanic coalition.The up or down vote will be watched closely to reveal "who's withwhom" and if the coalition is still holding. . . . Meanwhile, Ald.Larry Bloom, chairman of the Budget Committee, is winning applausefor reducing Washington's proposed $84 million property tax increaseby $36 million. That can only increase his popularity.

MAYOR SAWYER will be hard pressed by news interrogators for someexplanation of the $20,000 fee he accepted 10 years ago from anattorney, Fred Sudak, now a judge. He could take the position thathe can't comment while the Illinois Attorneys Registration andDisciplinary Commission investigates Sudak's conduct. But that wouldbe viewed as a copout. . . . Before the story broke, Sudak had sentout invitations to his fund-raiser next Monday at the MetropolitanClub. Now Sudak has received numerous cancellations ("So sorry, butI just discovered a conflict") and may call off the gathering.

A NUMBER of the city's movers and shakers are rallying to Dr.Cannutte Russell's side as a result of the report that there's aneffort to replace him as president of the Chicago Library Board withJames Compton. Russell, friends point out, is a strong-willedleader and played a major role in getting a new state-of-the-artlibrary, instead of the Goldblatt store. . . . The Joint Committeeof Italian Americans honored Realtor Carl DeMoon with a second termas president. Committee activities include sponsoring the ColumbusDay parade and Dante awards.

"THE FATHER CLEMENTS Story" dominated its time slot Sundaynight, according to the local ratings. And our phone has beenjingle-jangling with calls because of our appearance in the movie.(It wasn't easy for me to carry Lou Gossett Jr., Carroll O'Connor andMalcolm-Jamal Warner in the film.) . . . The Illinois State'sAttorneys Association will salute Rich Daley with a specialtestimonial Thursday in the Chicago Marriott Hotel.

UNCA MILTIE BERLE kept us entertained over dinner at the ClubInternational with the witticisms and humor in his book, B.S. - ILove You. Reading the book may be dangerous to your health. It'sside-splitting. . . . Berle, still sprightly at 79, has been comingto Chicago to perform since 1929. He revealed that he appeared on TVhere long before the public knew what television was. That was backin '29 when Berle was playing the old Palace. He was invited to takepart in experimental TV that paved the way for introduction of themedium many years later.

BERLE NEVER is at a loss for ideas. His latest is a syndicatedTV show, in which he will use clips of stars who have appeared onhis programs down through the years. The names boggle the mind:Frank Sinatra, Bob Hope, Phil Silvers, Elvis Presley, Jack Benny, RedSkelton, Martha Raye, Edward G. Robinson and Ronald Reagan. . . .Our condolences to Mrs. Arnie (Zorine) Morton on the death of herfather, Edward Ryba. He also was the father of actress ArleneGolonka.

SECOND CITY alum Mike Hagerty is enjoying the best week of hiscareer. He has a role in Goldie Hawn's new movie, "Overboard," beingreleased this week. He also has a role in Jim Belushi's film, "RedHeat," and appeared Sunday in Fox Broadcasting's "Married WithChildren" . . . Hagerty will be among the Second City graduates whowill assemble here tomorrow to celebrate the theater's 28th birthday.

GOV. THOMPSON and wife Jayne will host their annual holidayreception tomorrow at the Drake Hotel. As usual, it'll bewall-to-wall people, just the kind of party you adore. . . . AlexDana, owner of Rosebud, the new "in" Italian restaurant in the U. ofI. at Chicago area, is seeking a Near North site. . . . Adding ayear: William (Fridge) Perry, Don Johnson, Barbara Lee Cohen andJudge Albert Porter.

THE DRAMA CRITICS took delight in "Born Yesterday," revivedsuperbly at Steppenwolf Theatre. The performances of John Mahoneyand Glenne Headly and direction of John Galati merit salutes. JohnMalkovich, one of Steppenwolf's brightest lights, joined his wifeGlenne and the cast in a party at Shaw's Crab House. . . . Andreader Mike Lag offers this closer: "Jim and Tammy Bakker justrecorded a new album titled, "Come all ye unfaithful."

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